What is Software Craftsmanship?


A lot of people don’t know what Software Craftsmanship is. Is it just a synonym for Clean Code? No, it isn’t. I really like the definition of Sandro Mancuso, I already shared on Google+ in 2011:

Software craftsmanship is a long journey to mastery. It’s a lifestyle where developers choose to be responsible for their own careers and for improving their craft, constantly learning new tools and techniques. Software Craftsmanship is all about putting responsibility, professionalism, pragmatism and pride back into software development

Important are the words journey, lifestyle, improving, constantly learning, responsibility, professionalism, pragmatism and pride.

A long journey to mastery

Yes it really is a long journey. You need to get a lot of experience, experiment with technologies and architectures. Learn principles, practices, techniques, tools and so on. Some things you will like, some things will turn out to be not practicable and you will stop doing it.

If you really want to be a software craftsman you need to be totally committet. You can’t be a software craftsman for just a few hours. You need to take responsibility. Either you act professional or not. Either you want to improve your craft by constantly learning or you don’t. Only if you are totally in you can make the long journey.

Project Reality

Unfortunately, I met a lot developers who didn’t seem to care. They worked nonprofessional and they didn’t take responsibility. Those developers demotivate their colleagues. Why should I care, if the others mess it up anyway? Working in such teams can be very frustrating.

Why you should care anyway?

I am sure that Software Craftsmanship is worth it – and I’m quite sure you agree, otherwise you wouldn’t read this, right? Even if none of your teammates share your opinions. You can make the project (and your working environment) better! And I’m sure software craftsmen will become a role model for all other developers and can share their knowledge with their teammates, once they see the improvements. And in the worst case (no one cares and maybe they even laugh at you, although you improve something), you can switch your job and use your experience and achievements when you apply to another company.

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